TRISHNA DAYS 2022 will be held in person in Toulouse, France as well as online from 22-24 March 2022.
The objective is to gather all people involved and interested in the science and applications to which TRISHNA will contribute: contributors to the design of the mission or elaboration of the products and potential users. This first international workshop shall be a key milestone in order to converge on the TRISHNA science plan, including CAL/VAL activities, scientific algorithms for data processing, product definition, with enhanced coordination between all partners.
The workshop will last for 3 days. It will include a series of plenary presentations.
Furthermore, specific themes and issues will be discussed in follow-up breakout sessions. The outcomes of the breakout sessions will be presented in plenary by the respective moderators followed by open discussion. The surface temperature and its dynamics are precise indicators of the evaporation of water from soils, transpiration of plants, and of the local climate. TRISHNA and its frequent high-resolution measurements raise major scientific, economic, and societal issues through the 6 major themes that the mission addresses from the angle of research and development of applications: ecosystem stress and water use; coastal and inland waters; monitoring of the urban climate; cryosphere; solid Earth; atmosphere.
To register and know more, visit the official event page.
Monitoring accurately the water cycle at the Earth's surface is becoming extremely important in the context of climate change and population growth. It also provides valuable information for a number of practical applications: agriculture, soil and water quality assessment, irrigation and water resource management, etc... It requires surface temperature measurements at the local scale. Such is the goal of the Indian-French high Spatio-temporal TRISHNA mission (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment), led by ISRO (Indian space agency) and CNES (French Space Agency). It will be launched in 2025.
The surface temperature and its dynamics are precise indicators of the evaporation of water from soils, the transpiration of plants, and the local climate. TRISHNA and its frequent high-resolution measurements raise major scientific, economic, and societal issues through the 6 major themes that the mission addresses from the angle of research and development of applications: ecosystem stress and water use; coastal and inland waters; monitoring of the urban climate; cryosphere; solid Earth; atmosphere.