PHIDIAS 2nd General Assembly: Moving towards the increase of the HPC and Data Capacities
Two years after the beginning of the PHIDIAS HPC project, this second General Assembly was held on 27-28 October 2021 in Domus Comeliana at the heart of Pisa (IT), was a key meeting for the consortium to gather and discuss the results obtained so far.

Each WP leader from the different institutes (CINES, CERFACS, CNRS, CSC, GEOMATYS, IRD, IFREMER, MARIS, NEOVIA INNOVATION, SPASCIA, SYKE, Trust-IT, and Université de Liège) reviewed the work accomplished.
Strong involvement of the partners during a technical discussion
This meeting was also a good opportunity to have a rich and productive brainstorm session with all the partners focusing on the following questions:
- What are the key results?
- How to spread the word about these key achievements outside the project to enhance their uptake?
- What are the activities that need to be pursued after the end of the project?
Future perspectives: sustaining PHIDIAS cutting-edge results and impact on the scientific computing community of researchers
During this meeting, PHIDIAS set the scene for the preparation of the sustainability path discussion and provided updates on the communication and plans for the end of the project.
This meeting was an opportunity to introduce its vision "beyond the project", with the commitment to implement all the results at the infrastructure level. Making life easier for the next generation of the HPC and computational scientific community.
Watch the PHIDIAS video to learn more about how Phidias is moving towards the increase of the HPC and Data Capacities in Europe.